John Westwood The first Glasgow Whistle Maker & Samuel Auld Whistles Breaking News ! A. Strauss

John. M. Westwood *  whistle maker  b.1856 – d. 1886
His family (James Westwood His Dad) seems to have come from New York with his other brothers, all in the brass foundry business (His brothers in the trade James, Robert, Alexander ) & a relative named Andrews who shows up later as  working with him).
John opened his own business in 1872 as Tinsmith and Gas Fitter at 73 Cumberland St. Calton, Glasgow .
                      Excerpt from 1973 Directory.Westwood made a whistle which later became the model identified with S. Auld whistles.
Continue reading John Westwood The first Glasgow Whistle Maker & Samuel Auld Whistles Breaking News ! A. Strauss

Charles Parker, A Birmingham Whistle Maker History and News about Dowler & Sons A.Strauss

Charles Parker B. 27 Februar 1800 – D. 1852 was a maker of professional whistles in the first half of the 19th Century in Birmingham. He was known as Charles Parker Junior and  the son of Charles Parker who was in the same business as Button Maker, Brass Founder and Military Ornament Maker.

His BOT receipt pre 1850 reads;
Late Merry Parker & Merry
Manufacturer of Naval and Military Ornaments
Gilt & Plated Buttons

The 3 next Short SNC –  short single note conical whistles were a Parker Design
The one on the right side is Parker’s work William Dowler( & Sons) Kept
making these up to later 1890s,

Continue reading Charles Parker, A Birmingham Whistle Maker History and News about Dowler & Sons A.Strauss

The First Two Notes Tube Whistle and The Invention of the Partition, The development of the Police Whistles. Stevens & Sons . By A. Strauss

The First Two Notes Tube Whistle (G.S.W) With Partition Discovered  Stevens & Son. By A. Strauss (Part B) Underconstruction

The article shows the development of the TNT whistle TNTW (Two note tube) known to most collectors as a General Service whistle (G.S.W) , the development stages and periods from the 1840s to 1870s and later.

To part A Stevens & Son History & More. 

Part C   
Dating Stevens Whistles Early and Round Whistles

Part D Stevens Bell Whistles and the Inventor

Stevens & Sons at Darlington Works,  1865 .

2016 was THE BEST  in many years ( for me )  in discovering fantastic ground breaking news about whistles , and information about Whistle Makers – Manufacturers,
Some really change all we knew and thought about whistle history , whistory.
While preparing long articles with serious news about unknown whistles and new historical facts , for this blog , I thought of sharing this , since I had some reasons to celebrate today so here is a taste of some of  the new findings about Stevens’s whistles and history.

The Invention of the partition or TUBULAR WHISTLE WITH A PARTITION
and two different lengtn chambers . belonging to Richard Porteous and made by J. Stevens & SonPrior to 1866 .

The FIRST KNOWN G.S.W – General Service Whistle , Or
T.N.T – Two Notes Tube Whistle or TNTW a term I prefer .
The Partition is a long rectangular metal sheet inserted within the tube of the whistle’s body; thus dividing the whistle into Two Chambers , then making  UNEVEN depth or length to each chamber by shortening the inside part of one chamber so it produces a higher pitch than the longer one .
This could be done by few drops of lead inside one of the chambers, or by making the inside part of the top uneven, or in later years by bending the partition 45 degrees at its end so it cuts one chamber shorter, so the whistle plays two notes of different frequency and pitch at the same time creating a dissonance which has a louder and more alarming sound than a single note.  Continue reading The First Two Notes Tube Whistle and The Invention of the Partition, The development of the Police Whistles. Stevens & Sons . By A. Strauss