Russian Folk Art Pottery Clay Whistles with Woman Figures. M. Oboeva
(Марианна Обоева)
During the years I developed a growing interest in CLAY & POTTERY WHISTLES,
first as an amateur collector of these and gradually studying and developong this niche of collecting & study. While doing so I had the pleasure of meeting some great & knowledgeable collectors.
Pottery – Clay Whistles had been a subject I had not written about in my blog here, but it is time to start, Clay whistles of different countries Whistles, have typical features , and may be more so with traditional Folk Art.
I have asked my honorable guest, Marianna Oboeva to send 10 photos and few words as intoduction to Russian Pottery Clay Whistles.
She chose the subject of Women Figures (All whistles).
So I leave the stage to a short guest article from Marianna Oboeva a collector,
an Artist and expert on Russian whistles, that chase the theme of feminine figures within the subject of Russian Folk Art Clay whistles, In her own words, with Photos.
A. Strauss

The two bears are 17th Century Moscow. (Collection of M. Oboeva)