J. Hudson & co. New Historical Research The 1870 First Address Found and the 1882 To 1885 The Unknown Police whistles , Asylums , Fire Brigades Prison and Parks whistles by J. Hudson & Co. A. Strauss

(At work ) The new information which surfaced on the web in the last two years brought MANY previously unknown facts dates and research options for whistle manufactures in Great Britain during the the 19th century, this new info changed the way many we see Dates, and miss-concepts which prevailed whistle research up to now. Newly discovered  info about whistles and manufacturers led me to work on a new and some updated articles about whistles and their makers.
Some of the observations and conclusions can be found hinted
in between the lines.
This article would deal with some news about the background and The
First address For J. Hudson previously unknown and mostly
Police whistles made by J. Hudson & Co. in 1882 – 1885 ,
Mostly the ones not made for the Metropolitan police (Already discussed in Depth in the “Collecting Police whistles and Similar Types” Book by Martyn Gilchrist and Simon Topman Pub. 1998 ) The Book is a must and highly recommended for anyone who wishes to study whistles ,
Published almost 20 years ago it was a great stepping stone and inspiration for collectors and students of these and the best so far .

While the previous article dealt with How to date J. Hudson whistles by Stamps and other means, Victorian and Post Victorian stamps and the next would try to deal with whistle manufactured 1870 – 1882. 
Joseph Hudson started working with metal at the age of Twelve that is 1860 ,
a dated metal ashtray stamped with his name and was found, since studying
whistle makers we now know that every Master studied – worked with a previous one since there were no schools for that it fits well that J .H. worked for Bent (since 1861 being 13 years old , Later Bent & Parker on 87 Newhall st. ( Parker Joined Bent in 1863 ) they were making military ornaments and whistles .
In 1870 the Young 22 years old Hudson moved to start his own workshop buying tools and having a home work shop, In Febuary 1871 he got married to Jane,  and was working as a military ornament maker at :
7 House, Court 3, Bell Barn Road in 1871.
In 1874 He had his younger brother James Joined him and together
they had a larger place at 17 Mark’s St Registered as Co.  Joseph and James Hudson Co.
In 1876 they  registered a corkscrew and whistle design .
( James Died in 1889 making some unique whistles which are recognizeable by his unique Mouthpiece )
As all other “whistle Makers” at the period whistles were a small part of business and a large array of products and they as othesr
relied financially on manufacturing many other Brass items .
It was so to such an extent that WHISTLE MAKERS advertisments
in previous years mentioned DOZENS of items but no whistles
albeit they were the largest manufacturers of whistles , (1830’s – 1870’s ).

First address known for J. Hudson 7 House, Court 3, Bell Barn Road. Barn
1870 – 1874


So we have Hudson at Two addresses in the Early Years:
1870 – 1874 :  7 House, Court 3 Bell Barn Road
1874 – 1881  :  17 St. Mark’s St. cottages 
Continue reading J. Hudson & co. New Historical Research The 1870 First Address Found and the 1882 To 1885 The Unknown Police whistles , Asylums , Fire Brigades Prison and Parks whistles by J. Hudson & Co. A. Strauss

Dating of J. Hudson & Co. Acme Whistles Ltd. Tube TNT -Two Notes Whistles, NEWS ! Victorian & Post Victorian Times By Whistle Stamps. A. Strauss

Victorian and Post Victorian General Service whistles made by J. Hudson & Co. before 1902 and Post 1902 system for Dating whistles by Stamps.

A Guide to Dating J. Hudson Whistles.

This is a work is certainly great news for whistle collectors about Dating the
J. Hudson & Co. whistles  in The 19th Cent and the early Part of the 20th Century.
Dating Two Note Tube whistles – T.N.T.W
(Also known by function as GSW – General Service Whistles)

The article is based on CAREFUL OBSERVATION of  STAMPS and DETAILS brings a new set of thumb rules when dating Hudson whistles.
some points here are really for the ADVANCED COLLECTOR.
This article is a  great addition, in fact a ground breaking and makes it possible to precisely date whistles which previously was done by mare address, The best addition to the tools of dating J. Hudson & Co. Police whistles and none police whistles as G.P.O and other services.

For many years the dating system was based on 4 basic elements shapes of a whistle’s parts (see interlude ).
These are:  The Mouthpiece, The Loop, The address on Body and the one which one can not see without looking into the whistle itself that is the Diaphragm disk construction. Most advanced collectors are familiar with these and use to determine the date.

We learn that the address does NOT always correspond with date made , or serves as an always an accurate tool for knowing the exact year-date made.

Many marked 13 Barr St. where actually made later at 244 Barr St and stamped with the older address . This explains a 13 Barr st. address stamped whistle with a military date of 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 for example.

I will try to bring it in a chronological in 3 Main parts :

Table one and variations in a closer look
Table II and variations in a closer look

So take a CLOSE LOOK at the stamps :

( As interlude a general view of Pre 1902 in the first line and Post 1902 in 2nd line : Stamps and whistle 3 main whistle parts, The next Three charts deal with each of the parts separately . )

The Mouthpiece
The early one is what I called ‘apple’  mouth Piece 1883 -1885
Second is the the ‘Sand clock’ shape 1886 -1920’s
and the third the ‘flattened Sand Clock’ 1920’s -Late 30’s

The Loop
4 Main Types of loops in  J. Hudson & Co. Tube whistles
Thin Concave 1882* -1900
Thicker Concave Loop 1901 -1908
Slightly concave on a two part top of Loop – Ring and cap. and Flat  ring 1908 onward . There are more variations looking at the loop from the other angle,
Viewing the hole , for example the later D shaped loop.
* 1882 is rare , made at 17 Mark st. few are known so in general we start at 1883 .
A General Chart of J. Hudson stamps , General View Pre and Post Victorian Period .

First PRE 1902 Table I Chart   Ia, Ib

Table I


I a

Continue reading Dating of J. Hudson & Co. Acme Whistles Ltd. Tube TNT -Two Notes Whistles, NEWS ! Victorian & Post Victorian Times By Whistle Stamps. A. Strauss

More Whistles By Martyn Gilchrist, B. Lilly & Sons – H. A. Ward Siren Whistle, J. Dixon & Sons Pre 1843 Beaufort Whistle

More Whistles by Martyn Gilchrist and some about two early whistles and updates about the makers history.
very-rare-h-a-ward-siren-whistle-whistle-museumAbove B. Lilly and Sons whistle which seems to be made by Henry Arthur Ward,
New material points to the facts that B. Lilly started at 1857 and H.A. Ward at about the same time as J. Ward 1857 * (See foot note) Both were skilled brass founders.
There seem to be 3 Variations some differ in the inner parts , Here is another larger variation which seems to be a later one with a none cast Mouthpiece.


Continue reading More Whistles By Martyn Gilchrist, B. Lilly & Sons – H. A. Ward Siren Whistle, J. Dixon & Sons Pre 1843 Beaufort Whistle

Police Or Fire Two Notes Tube (TNT) Whistles P.O.F whistles

Police & Fire, General service whistles, 2 note cylindrical whistles, two notes tube whistles, GSWs, Bobbie whistle
Police or Fire whistles, The City whistle, The City Police. (To be cont.)   A Strauss Copyright © 2009

Preface : This article was written about 8 years ago and was published 2009 in the older whistle museum website. I bring it as is albeit  I have learned many things and meanwhile discovered more whistles and gained some more knowledge although it may have some mistakes I leave it as is  I would try and find time to edit meanwhile I bring it as it is, but I shall add a note that the number 13 referred to patent class, at the time I did not know that .
It is my observation today that these stamps and whistles are a huge subject since it was an important outlet for many makers, for two reasons:
1) The minimum order at the time was the quantity of 144 (Twelve dozens ) whistles, making a particular stamp was expensive and so these whistles were in use with many smaller forces and rural police , Fire brigades etc that did not or could not order that minimum in a particular time point.
2) Hudson did have a very large part of the market with the Metropolitan Whistle type and ” The answer to the Metropolitan ”  was the City Police Police Or Fire etc, stamps  which gave smaller companies a break thru to many smaller forces,  local suppliers and individuals.

You are welcome to ask questions or send to my email : info@avnerstrauss.com
or join the antique whistle group in facebook , It proved very helpful in sharing and learning about whistles .
Best wishes Aver Strauss

Police & Fire, General service whistles, 2 note cylindrical whistles, Two notes tube whistles – ( TNT or TNTW) , GSWs, Bobbie whistle
Police or Fire whistles, The City whistle, The City Police. (To be cont.)
A Strauss Copyright © 2009
These whistles are a favorite subject of mine, a subject usually over looked by whistle collectors & little researched,  there are  few hundred variations made by many British makers (Yates, Ward, Hudson, Walton, DeCourcy , Barrall ) and by German, American, Chinese & Indian makers, as well as stamps by Numerous RETAILERS & Companies,  many yet to be discovered .
All these whistles belong to the professional type whistles referred to as General service whistles, GSW’s, [ we all should be in debt to Martin Gilchrist who was a pioneer and mentor  in the research of GSW’s – General Service Whistles , a term he coined and his marvelous books about whistles ]   2 note cylindrical whistles, Two notes tube whistles, Bobbie whistle.

All these whistles have two main stamp variations;

A)  Stamps with the words “Police or Fire” or “Fire & Police”

B ) Stamps with the word “City” included (“The City police ” or “The City Police or Fire” etc.) *

Many times a maker can be identified by the wording / name of whistle
and by the stamp design and number of lines, I had made a list of these body stamps and still work on it.
The evolution of the stamps follows somewhat a chronological order , The city, The City Police , The city Police or Fire, City police or fire whistle.
There are hundreds of stamp variations and since these were made over a relatively long period they can serve whistle enthusiasts well for a comparative study & research.
Another aspect is that most do not carry the makers name and it is a challenge to identify the maker which at times needs  research, comparing and observing, using  small details to identify the maker. NMM is short here for no maker mark.
Some stamps can serve well to Identify the maker.

Since it is a new subject and has many aspects I will slowly update it, these whistles were all made from the late 1880s to 1930s , and used for various purposes notably with many factories mainly textile and arms Companies & Laboratories, were dangers of fire hazards were crucial & by local police and security forces all over the old world.



H A Ward , “The Standart Police or Fire Whistle”, two stamp variations, one with maker’s name, one without.
2 Lines Stamp & 4 Lines Stamp. made 1889 to early 1900. Nickel Plated Brass 88mm. superior sound and quality, Ward’s top model.
Continue reading Police Or Fire Two Notes Tube (TNT) Whistles P.O.F whistles

Julius Heinrich Zimmermann, Important German Whistle Manufacturer, History , Samples & Catalog Pages by Avner Strauss

Jul. Heinr. Zimmerman, Important German Whistle Manufacturer, Maker, History & Samples by A. Strauss, Catalog Pages ( (Under Construction)

Julius Heinrich Zimmermann, Born 22. September 1851 in Sternberg
Died 25. April 1922 in Berlin (1851-1923) was a large musical instruments maker , publisher, and whistle maker, his family kept his business running but at some point (C. 1928 )they had abandoned whistle  and musical instrument manufacturing ׂׂׂׂ in favor of music publishing.

Catalog Julius Heinrich Zimmermann 1899 Pg 2. whistle museum 600A picture of his workshop circa 1899 , on the shelves on the right hand side one may see a variety of whistles.

== Zimmerman Addresses & Branches == Continue reading Julius Heinrich Zimmermann, Important German Whistle Manufacturer, History , Samples & Catalog Pages by Avner Strauss

19th Century Round Pea Whistles Timeline History and more. By A. Strauss

Early 1870 master piece, round pea whistle ,By J.Hudson or Linegar whistle museum
Above J. Hudson 1870’s Round Pea whistle with a stop hole, Birmingham.

See READ MORE For few dozens photos


This article is just a glimpse and a part of Part one in a very long 7 part research into this type of whistles,  consider it a first draft , There are MANY more which can be accurately dated and way more which I could not yet accurately date
but as a draft it may inspire others and you may send and email to info@avnerstrauss.com to add ask contact.
I would try to first cover  mostly British 19th Century and some whistles of other countries without going into many details, since some countries deserve another article.
Part one is a draft and 19th Century General Time line and whistle designs.

Continue reading 19th Century Round Pea Whistles Timeline History and more. By A. Strauss

Spherical , Globular shaped whistles and More, Bicycles Whistles By A. Strauss (23 photos)

Spherical whistles is a term I use for various whistles , Globular shaped Balloon shaped and others which were not in use in Marine vessels or as Swiss and French railway whistles , Known as short Buson type whistles , but for Hawking, Bird calls , and Bicycle whistles , It is also known as Short Buson or Swiss Railway whistle. there is a large variety of French made toy and military whistles which were made in France when Flying Balloons were popular, although they do have a spherical sound chamber the mouthpiece is note a pipe (See last photos samples of round whistles with spherical sound chamber). The term Globular whistle appears on old catalogs.
Early swiss 17th 18th century Hawking whistle spherical whistle museumThe above Hawking whistle was made in Switzerland c 17th, 18th Century ,
It has a the look and feel of a Copper and Bronze mixture I did not see before.

Continue reading Spherical , Globular shaped whistles and More, Bicycles Whistles By A. Strauss (23 photos)

The First Known Patent for an American Escargot, Snail, Referee Type Whistle 1869 USA Patent , Early American whistles (1) A.Strauss

Pat. # 91,704 June 22 ,1869 .The whistle is made of a tin metal sheet .
I found the actual sample in 2005

1869 First USA Patd. for referee whistle whistle museumDrawing of the Patent, originally designed to be made in large size as steam whistle of brass, or a small tin mouth whistle.
Continue reading The First Known Patent for an American Escargot, Snail, Referee Type Whistle 1869 USA Patent , Early American whistles (1) A.Strauss

19th Century British Snail Whistles, Referee, Escargot Whistles, Rare Antique Whistles

( Under construction ) Includes 65 Photos
1881 Maker L. D. sold by Ortner & Houle 3 James St. London , Snail whistle (Escargot ) shaped whistle.
1881 DL Snail whistle ..Escargot _ whistle _museum
The article is about British snail (Escargot ) whistles made with in Victorian times.
Other articles about Snail Button type whistles which is a sub- category and as far as I know came first  but there is less information about its makers will follow.

Three  whistle Models made by Henry Arthur Ward late 1880’s and early 1890’s
Glasgow style construction and stamped;
Alpha Improved Call No. 23 No. 24 and 25
As with most referee standart types the smaller models are rarer , and so Model # 25 was first noted after 2005 .
These were made in his Alpha Gun Works in Birmingham.

Henry Arthur Ward 3 whistle Models Alpha Gun works Escargot, snail whistles whistle museum

Continue reading 19th Century British Snail Whistles, Referee, Escargot Whistles, Rare Antique Whistles