Samuel Auld started making whistles in the earlier part of the 1870s, after Joining Westwood (See another article about a previously unknown maker J. Westwood which I found) Auld partnership with Westwood at Globe Brass foundry 248 Gallowgate st. (Both were the sole partners dissolved on July 20 1877 and announced legally 31 October 1877.
Very few are known to exist, and each one is numbered on the side.
These are the only numbered police Snail whistles of this era.
The original numbering suggests that there were about 300 made
Highest known number is 369, as of now 3 or 4 are known to exist.
Samuel Auld Glasgow 19th Century Double Snail Whistle, Whistle Museum
Early ‘Bobbie Whistle’, Whale-Bone Pea Whistle Pre Metropolitan Police Constable Whistle from Hill’s Family.
1821 Early ‘Peeler’, ‘Bobbie Whistle’,Whale-Bone Pea Whistle Pre Metropolitan Police Constable Whistle from Hill’s Family. The next email and photos I quote word for word with some private lines omitted, is from Mr. John Hill Noted for his Great Articles about Historic Places and Cultures among others.
I received it with answers to my questions, I chose to put Some technical and Family history in Bold letters.
Dear Avner
What a pleasant surprise it was to receive your friendly and interesting email. And what a treat it was to discover your fabulous website on whistles – it is absolutely wonderful – congratulations!
My father said it belonged to his great-great-grandfather who was a “Hill” who lived in London and was one of the early “Peelers” (also called “Bobbies” – after Robert or “Bobbie” Peel) or the specialist police set up on the suggestion of Sir Robert Peel in 1814 in Ireland and, in 1829, 1000 men were formed into the “Metropolitan Police Force” who were regularly referred to as “Peelers”. It apparently belonged to him and he carried it while at work. I was lucky enough to inherit it from my father.
We don’t know much about this distant ancestor as the family history seems to have been broken when my grandfather, Alfred Hodson Hill (1887-1977), moved c. 1910 to Montreal, Canada. Before that, his father (who was a silversmith and son of the “Peeler” who owned the whistle) and family moved to Sheffield from London at some unknown date in the 19th century.
That is about as far as the family stories go.
How lovely to hear back from you! I only wish my father was still alive – he would have been so excited to find someone so interested in his family heirloom.
It truly is a unique whistle – i have been very fond of it since childhood and always impressed with the fact that ti is undoubtedly unique.
The whistle is, as you know, carved in the shape of a whale in
(presumably) whale-bone – but maybe from sperm-whale teeth or walrus ivory – I wouldn’t know how to tell the difference – can you help with this? Also, would it be useful for me to gently rub it with mineral oil – or do you have another suggestion – or, should I just leave it alone ?
One blows through the mouth of the whale to make it whistle. It does have a dark brown “pea” (roughly 8 mm. in diameter) inside the whistle, and the hole (where the sound comes out) does not contain a reed or anything other than the original piece of whale bone – with a sharp-edged hole cut into it.
It is just about exactly 8 cm long, 3cm wide at the widest point, 2 cm high
at its highest point (on the top of the whale’s head),
and about 1.5 cm wide at the narrowest place.
1821 Whale Bone Pea Whistle early pre Metropolitan Bobbie whistle, whistle museum archive
It still has a good-sounding loud, piercing whistle –
I still use it occasionally to call guests from a little cabin we have about 80 metres from our home.
If I may add I believe the maker was a very fine skilled craftsman who hopefully made other whistles as well. It is also notable that it is a PEA WHISTLE.
Whistle Museum all rights reserved.
American Bosun Pipes, Bosun Whistles, and More. A.Strauss Some of you may remember that the old whistle museum website was lost, later I was able to save many posts from there using the Time machine web archive. I started copying some of the 500 posts the photos may not be as good as the original ones and will now have a double ‘whistle museum’ stamp but will suffice. This post was one of many dealing with the subject of Bosun whistles, I will spontaneously bring more while I keep researching and studying. A.S
American Gold Bosun Whistle, 1853 Gold Dollars sides 128mm 29gr,
Cylindrical sound chamber, Spiral wire at Keel end, 2 Filigree bands and mouthpiece, serpentine gun.
A drawer – Cabinet with few dozens of Boatswain’s pipes – Buson whistles.
The second from top right hand side is a 140mm old uncleaned silver, I was told by experts that it is from 1820 but it it seems to me as a very early estimate.
The design was certainly a USA style 19th century design since in early 20th century German catalogs of German makers, the same model appears for export as USA style Boatswains pipe.
The Model is marked “STERLING” .
A similar in weight , measures, design and size model stamped AE & Co. Utica N.Y
In a Triangular stamp
with Plain & almost straight gun
L: 140mm Weight: 24gr
It may be of a later date but I did not take the time to research that company yet. This model also in nickel plated brass became the standard for the U.S. Navy, seldom stamped with the marine vessel’s name.
The fourth from bottom right hand side is stamped , on one side :
U.S.A Pattern (Note the word pattern uses different punches for letters ).
Dated 1936 L.C.H US CGC Hamilton WHEC-715 and US COAST GUARD
on the other.
It is also stamped under the Keel’s frame LORDSHIP N.Y in between two tiny stamps inside rectangles which are too small to decipher. LORDSHIP N.Y , They used HLP as their hallmark while their corporate name was “His Lordships Products” until about 1973, they then changed their name to “Lordship Industries” and their hallmark to LI.
The next one is a nicely designed whistle made circa late 1990s early 2000’s as a souvenir often sold in a wood box inlaid with brass anchor.
When I first saw it it was 2004 and was tempted to pay few times more then it’s worth,
It is sold in souvenir shops in many port cities, along the eastern and western coast.
I consider it as an American one since I had not seen it sold anywhere else but it may be made in china or the far east .
To Be cont. Meanwhile I would like to add that looking at my whistles I found very few American Shaped ones and all together there must be many thousands of ones stamped with a SHIP’s name and US navy ones , so if any of my readers can send photos of some (will be credited) it would be appreciated.
In the meantime I realized that it could be categorized by shapes that can be easily identified and I shall bring DRAWINGS of the typical ones.
Few countries have their own typical design that can be recognized in a glance mostly by looking at the Keel – body.
Russian bosun pipe shape
American Bosun type shape
German Bosun type shape
French Bosun type shape
British bosun type shapes
Chinese Buson shapes and unique features (I did a short post about some here in the past) Early types
Other countries.
If you have any other examples and wish to contribute
Please email :
Thomas Yates 19th Century Whistle Maker. UNDERCONSTRUCTION
Intro; I chose to publish this post on his Birthday albeit it is far from being completed, But after many years of research, and the last article I did about him done well over a decade ago, I post the new one to be expanded with time. It is a part 5 chapters devoted to what I call ‘The Big 5’ British whistle makers in the 19th Century, along with an article about the big 5 and what I call the 1870s ‘whistle boom’. Previously I wrote here long articles with hundred of pages about Stevens, Dixon, Dowler, and Hudson, Yates should be the last article with another more detailed one in the making about Hudson genius and importance and his 1870s whistles.
Thomas Yates B. April 4th 1818 D. 1882 age 64
The Yates Family has a long history starting in the 18th Century with many family members involved in Business as Brass Founders, Metal workers and manufacturers. There is a vast amount of information I will Bring some of the research material as found and concentrate on the Thomas Yates who is identified with the whistle making . It is most likely other members of the family produced whistles before but Thomas is the only one who stamped some of his whistles; T. Yates, and published the first detailed catalogue with whistles in 1870; We can not exaggerate the importance of this first serious 4 pages of whistle catalogue in England, These are the first pages of a very LARGE catalogue which contains Spoons, Ladles and Kitchen ware which were the larger part of the business, It is here I would take the chance to say that the growths of the whistle making in Base Metals and Plated Base metals was PARRALEL in England In Germany, other countries in Europe Eastern Europe as Poland & Russia and in the USA, so Many of the previous unknown makers were found with the Parallel of Yates in Germany which were Just as large and produced whistles for a longer period. the first to show the line production of whistles after the industrial revolution, starting a new era in whistle making and the 1870s whistle boom.
Thomas Yates 1870 Catalogue Cover, the first 4 pages Included over 100 railway whistles & Dog Calls whistle models. The rest of the .Edwin Yates and John Yates gravestones Key Hill Cemetary
Thomas Yates Senior, was born 1755, he appears at 1888 registered in 37 Coleshill St, and appears 27 years later in 1915 Directory at Coleshill Street, as Buckle Stock sinker, spoons, Glasshouse & mold maker, From later adv. we learn it was established 1780. His son John (Born to Thomas & Elisabeth July 28th, 1786) is a Spoon maker. (It seems that Yates Senior’s father was also named Thomas was also a Brass founder located at 9 Bath St. in 1770 listed as making Bridle Bit and Stirup Plater, while other Yates are William Yates is on 9 High St as Brass Founder and Cockfounder James Yates 4 Newton St Corkscrew maker).
Thomas Yates Parents were John and Harriete, John the son of Thomas Senior was to become a large well known spoon maker, later John Yates & Sons. Thomas Brothers were Edwin & James, Edwin Yates was to become Birmingham City Mayor in 65. See photo for more detail about his Bio. Here is 1838 Advertisement.and 1852 adv.
The Yates Family tombstones
Thomas Yates never married and had no children, after he died his nephews ran the business. In 1841 Census he is still living with his parents age 22 ,
In 1841 Thomas is about 23 living with his parents and making spoons and other goods with Thomas Sen. and with John, and in 1851 census our YATES THOMAS Home is at 97 Stratford Terrace, Age 33 Spoon Manuf.
37 – 38 Coleshill Street will be the family manufacturing center for few generations expanding later from 38 Coleshill st. to 37, 39, 40, 41, 43 & 44. and some family members to other streets.
At this point I would like to go back to Thomas Yates whistles and catalogue pages. Thomas Yates Whistles
Whistle Types
The Yates Catalogue is a Benchmark in the history of whistle making documentation the first to show Round pea whistles and its importance is essential in the study of whistles. It is the first to show many types as well as round pea whistles with a split blow hole which I called Pig Nose -Pig Nose because the Blow hole is divided- split into two blow holes which reminded me of a pig nostrils. (It is to be expanded in a chapter about this type of fipple reasons and variations)
Yates may not had been the first to make – invent these but certainly was the larger producer of these. I should devote a special sub-chapter for these.
Round Dog calls whistles to be fitted over a whip or a cane and other combination whistles.
Yates used Brass, Nickel Silver, (German Silver at the time ), Pewter, (Reffered to as Crown Metal in his catalogue, & wood.
Yates made MANY TYPES of whistles The larger output of his whistles was Round Pea whistles and Conical whistles. Here is a general preview Round whistles – Yates was probably the largest manufacturer of round pea whistles in the 19th Century, with over a 100 variations and models.
Round pea whistles including few groups mainly Round Pea whistles, at the time mid 19th century referred to as calls – Dog Calls, Railway Calls etc. The term whistle was kept more for toys while calls was used in connection with Hunting military railway etc. ‘Profesionall whistles’) Round Whistles with an addition of Figural top or cast with zoomorphic shape top.
Conical Whistles – Two notes Conical Whistles – T.N.C.W. and Single note Conical S.N.C. W Two notes Conical whistles and Single Note Referred to as Beaufort by many collectors, or as Tapered at the time. Both were made with an addition of a Circular mouthpiece. And the S.N.C whistles are divided into two main categories Cased S.N.C and regular, the cased ones are more frequently met with, they are also constructed with a spring-clasp which holds them tight inside the case, and the case is equipped with two Screws which fit on a cross belt.
Two Notes Tube Whistles – T.N.T. whistles, Yates made many models in small quantities and thus all of T. Yates Two notes tube whistles, some are so rare and and only one was seen, and unfamiliar models are still to be found.
Double End Whistles – at time referred to as Composition whistle, Hybrid Whistle Constructed of a round pea whistle connected to a Conical whistle.
Single Note Tube Whistles- SN.T.W
Tube Whistles – S.N.T by construction & shape with a circular mouthpiece . It is an old photo, As far as I can tell the first on left may be a Hudson’s 1870s, Yet, it is not unlikely that James Hudson copied Yates Mouthpiece or was even apprenticed there for a while as Joseph his brother was apprenticed with Bent & Parker in the 1860s.
Yates was the first to Produce T.N.T whistles with windows at different heights in order to create a whistle was two different frequencies which sounnd simultaneously.
As said his T.N.T whistles are all rare and some have bulbous top variations reminiscent of Porteous top design.
Double End Whistles
Bosun whistles – Boatswain’s calls
Double Chamber Whistles
Double Pipe Whistles Yates made a Two Note Double Pipe Model 8439 and a 3 note double pipe Model 8440 as seen in hid 1870 Catalogue. (He made few variations of each) Here is a more in detail preview and examples of the various types –
Yates model 8439 Two notes double pipe with circular mouthpiece.
Thomas Yates Whistles, Stamps Time Line A. Strauss,
Two rare type bicycle TUBULAR REED WHISTLES, Tube reed whistle, late 19th Century early 20th century.
I thought these are very beautiful will write more about these at some point
The left one is Probably by J. Hudson & Co. it has a screw mouthpiece, Nickel Silver Brass, I do not think it was a Model supplied to the public .
The other is Brass with a Horn made Mouthpiece and sounds LOUD like a small Saxophone. If you do see variations kindly send me photos, I do have another variation somewhere but I did not realize it was a bicycle whistle , thought it was a pitch pipe.
Deutsche Trillerpfeifenhersteller. A. Strauss ( Arbeit in Produktion) A Bilingual Article German & English
G. Dolge Antik Trillerpfeife und signalpfeife kombination, A. Strauss collection
Model # 197 Aktion Penny spielzeug mit Tonpfeife, Gely Manufacture German-Pennytoy-Sailor tin with bellow whistle Made-by Gely Germany whistle museum.
Dies ist die erste Liste deutscher Signalpfeifenproduzenten. Es ist ein erster Versuch, eine komplette Liste zusammenzustellen, um alle Fabrikanten zusammenzutragen.
Ich hoffe, mehr über die Hersteller zu erfahren. Von Einigen zeugt lediglich ein Stempel auf einer seltenen Pfeife.
Die Liste ist eine unvollständige Liste, die auf meinem bescheidenen Wissen basiert.
Signalpfeife, Trillerpfeife, Lockpfeife, Tonpfeife, Keramikpfeife, Spielzeugpfeife, Stimmpfeifen, Musikpfeifen, kleine Musikinstrumente und Zubehoer:Pfeifen, die nicht zum Rauchen sind, sondern, um Toene zu produzieren; Deutsche Signalinstrumentenfabriken, Deutschland. A. Strauss . ( Arbeit in Produktion)
Die Absicht dieses Artikels ist es, ein Bewusstsein fuer das oben genannte Thema zu schaffen Das Themenfeld der Sammlung von Trillerpfeifen ist nur wenig im oeffentlichen Interesse Deutschlands vertreten, oft nur als Nebenprodukt bekannt in der Ausruestung von Militaer, Polizei oder Feuerwehr. Dabei gibt es noch so viel mehr: im Transport wie im Zugverkehr, als Schmuck, im Sport, bei der Jagd, als Lockpfeife, Hundepfeife, als Spielzeug, als Geschenk oder Souvenir.
Das sind nur einige Beispiele. Bald mehr an dieser Stelle. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie mich gerne, wenn Sie selbst Trillerpfeifen und Zubehoer besitzen und mehr erfahren oder sich darueber austauschen moechten. Gerne koennen Sie mir Bilder senden.
Police Button Whistles from the Victorian area. A.Strauss
The next police whistles include the majority of known Police Button whistles which were found, some are not included either because of poor condition or since I did not keep Pictures of. Now as I start to carefully compare button whistle construction and button makers I am making progress in identifying makers, after years of research soon to be more.
An English dog call or hunting signal call, Two different hand made copper buttons depicting a horse on one button and a dog on the other, I call these type art button whistles since the so called “Buttons” were never made as actual buttons but rather seem to be especially made as copper side plates.
The body is made of thick Iron, two parts, and a triangle made of thick wire for loop. Altogether 4 parts loop and pea. It is Victorian and an early Escargot type –
Snail Type – button whistle. The dating of these is not yet clear but an educated guess would be 1850s to 1870s. Continue reading Button Whistles I. Button Whistles Corner. A.Strauss
This is the last part about James Dixon & Sons Whistles and History
in 9 parts. (See links to all 9 parts at bottom).
I started the article with Two Note Tube whistle (TNT) the one commonly identified with police whistles and invented by Porteous for Stevens & Sons,
It was only in 2006 that I discovered the first one.
There are two known examples of this whistle,
Here is a Drawing of model # 55 in Dixon’s catalogue of 1895. The whistle was made before that, and was described as a railway whistle. Continue reading James Dixon & Sons Other Rare Whistles, Models & Designs. Part.II.c. Avner Strauss
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