Samuel Auld The Greatest Glasgow Whistle Maker. A. Strauss

Samuel Auld started making whistles in the earlier part of the 1870s, after Joining Westwood (See another article about a previously unknown maker J. Westwood which I found)  Auld partnership with Westwood at Globe Brass foundry  248 Gallowgate st. (Both were the sole partners dissolved on July 20 1877 and announced legally 31 October 1877.
Very few are known to exist, and each one is numbered on the side.
These are the only numbered police Snail whistles of this era.
The original numbering suggests that there were about 300 made
Highest known number is 369, as of now 3 or 4 are known to exist.

Samuel Auld Glasgow 19th Century Double Snail Whistle, Whistle Museum

In 1877 Auld started his own Company on the same street (no. 240 later he would own and work from both 240 and 248) by 1878 he was listed as a well known maker of Police Whistles Advertising as:  Samuel Auld & Co. General Brass founders Gas Fitters , Bellhangers, and the makers of the celebrated Police Calls, Railway Guards, and Pointsmen’s whistles. 240 Gallowgate, Glasgow.

Side view of Lanarshirepolice double snail whistle 1893

Above registered design #210471 of 1893 cast brass body.

Back View of AUld 1893 Reg. Design for double Snail Whistle with cast brass body

Samuel Auld Glasgow 1893 Registered design is a masterpiece.
Dave who was a seller for almost 50 years in Portobello market told us that as a child he grew up just down the road of where the factory was 50 years ago he sold one to a great collector, Price was 50 GBP today the whistle is estimated at to be over 50 times more.
3 or 4 examples are known to exist, all numbered. Highest known number is 369
It is assumed that the number corresponded to the police officer shoulder tag.

The full article would be continued later.

A.Strauss all rights reserved.

Antique Whistles Ancien Sifflets Museum

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