Whistle Museum


A web site dedicated to whistles, research and collecting whistles. by Avner Strauss.

The well known foremost website Whistlemuseum is now in the progress of rebuilding.

See you soon! Please feel free to contact for advice on whistles. We will not be able to answer all questions only questions with a photo attached can be answered.

Thanks for visiting and sharing

Avner Strauss

8 thoughts on “Whistle Museum”

  1. Hi Avner,

    I recently purchased a rather tired whistle which I have not seen before. It is a ‘’The City Police or Fire Whistle’’ manfacturer Harvie Cooke & Co Shanghai.
    I cannot find out anything about the company, other than it was a British company based in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s and possibly beyond but ceased trading many years ago.
    Any insight you could give would be appreciated, I note an article on your site with a similar whistle with the manufacturer being Grundex Shanghai.

    I can send a photograph if you email me and let me know your procedure.
    Many thanks

  2. Can anyone help identify a whistle for me please. It’s silver in colour with a crown engraved on it with the initials AV. And numbers 283/w/102 and in smaller letters it says J.Hudson Birmingham on it. Thank you

  3. I have a whistle that has made in England but a American company that has a shield with New York Meyer. And on the left side of the shield it says Army Navy and on the right side it says Equipment. It looks like a Mettropolitan type whistle. I have pictures .

  4. Hello,
    I inherited a Whistle which as the family story goes my Great Great Grandfather ( which places it around 1815 to 1825 ) He was Captain of a merchant ship, out of Rhode Island. Out at sea for approxiamately 2 days they noticed a ship in distress, one of the sails had torn and was not repearable. He went to their aid and gave them his only back up sail. It was a French ship, for my Grandfathers generosity the Captain, and the party who they were transporting gave a very ornate Whistle to.
    It is in the shape of a mermaid, with bells hanging, with 22cm of handmade chain in an unusal design.
    I have never polished it and was told never to do so.
    It remains as it was first presented, also I have a ships Decanter from the same encounter, alas no Rum.
    I would like to forward 2 pictures to you, if possiably you could illuminate me as to origin/history?
    At my age I am divesting myself from objects, my children and Grandchildren have no desire for beautiful objects so best to pass them to those who will appreciate them.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Best Regards,
    Vernon Crawford

  5. Hi Avner
    About a year ago you bought a few Whistles from me on my e-bay page, alanfruitbat1 , I have what I think is an interesting one you may be interested in ,would you like me to send a photo or five to you , hope you reply , it will be going on my page in March ,Regards Alan

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