- Foot note
The whistle is missing its Metal fipple block (A slight chance it was a wooden one)
It is clearly a Sheffield style Fipple. (My observation is that there are three types)
You may search my Dixon & Sons whistles to see further notes as well as examples of the ‘Sheffield Fipple’ (a term I came up with to distinguish these type of Fipples).
It said 18th Century Sportsman whistle but it could have been very early Military one
Or a Seaman whistle Trafalgar period, or for early Napoleon’s wars.
You can also see my observation as to this type of early Pre Drilled tops and Knots
which I found and pointed as a distinctive feature as Georgian and earlier types of Round Pea Whistles.
As to Maker it would be one of Sheffield’s Iron Mongers in the 18th Century,
and at the latest one of James Dixon’s earliest works.
Previously in the same British Collection as the Walrus Ivory one.
Measures app. 2″ by 1.5″
Whistle Museum, A. Strauss, all rights reserved.